Sunday, September 1, 2019

Full Auto Paintball Guns: The Right Markers Make Winning More Fun!

Quality semi-automatic paintball markers are great for use on the field. However, there are times when certain operations, raids, etc are much more successful with full auto paintball guns, simply because you can fire many rounds quickly and take control of the situation much faster. Finding the right automatic markers can be a challenge sometimes, however.

To get the right automatic marker, some key points are realism, reliability and size / maneuverability. For some players, realism isn’t just a nice feature. Some of the best automatic paintball guns look and feel a lot like the real thing, which really helps if you are military or police doing training because when you go back to the real weapons, you’ve trained with similar weight and feel and the muscle memory will transfer much more easily. Having quality top-rated automatic paintball guns that function properly and rarely ever jam is important, too–cheap automatic paintball guns often aren’t made as well, aren't compact and easy to move around, and do jam, leaving YOU in a jam, too!

At our online store, we offer the best selection of full auto paintball guns at the best possible discount prices with free shipping over $39, due to our extremely low overhead as an online store. Call our paintball specialists with your questions today at 844-710-7292. We’re here to help!
